For lovers of antiquities of particular interest are the countries of Western Europe. Among them,…

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Ski resorts in Eastern Europe
For the Russian people, the countries of Eastern Europe are close not only by geographic…


Bus excursions in Europe
We all love to travel. I want to see the sultry Africa, calm and balanced…

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Balneological resorts of Europe
There is nothing more than health. This truth is beyond doubt. And if you have…


people who

Svalbard archipelago

In the Arctic Ocean is an archipelago, which consists of four large and more than a thousand small islands. The largest of them has the same name with the archipelago – Svalbard. The archipelago is 61,022 square meters. km Norwegians call it “Svalbard”, which means “cold shores”.
The first mention of Svalbard belong to the XII century. Continue reading

Sights of Spain
Spain is considered to be one of the warmest countries in Europe. From all ends…


Bus excursions in Europe
We all love to travel. I want to see the sultry Africa, calm and balanced…
