Snow resorts
Romania Almost a third of the country's territory is occupied by the Carpathians, which are…

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Ski resorts in France
Among the best ski resorts are rightly resorts of France. At the ski resorts of…


Holidays in Turkey
Tours to Turkey are in demand among Ukrainians, who prefer budget and comfortable rest in…

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Factors of tourism development
As factors that contributed to the development of tourism after the Second World War, the…


For example

Bulgaria is a land of sun, sea and mountains

Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, is one of the oldest cities in the European continent. The age of Sofia is more than 3000 years old. But although the capital has a respectable age, but very few monuments of antiquity have been preserved here. In those ancient times, the Roman emperor Constantine, who proclaimed Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, was about to transfer the capital to Serdica — this is the ancient name of Sofia. Bulgaria is an Orthodox Christian country with a rich history. Continue reading

Prospects for the development of foreign tourism in Germany

Despite the fact that Germany is the main guiding tourist market in the world, it forms large-scale tourist traffic to travel abroad and has the largest negative balance of turbalance, the tourism sector of this country occupies a significant place in GDP (8%), employing about 3 million people. That is why the entire tourism system belongs to the Ministry of Economy, which includes the National Council for Tourism, which carries out state regulation of the tourism industry in Germany. In addition, there is the German Center for Tourism Development – a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the tourist opportunities of Germany within the country and abroad. Continue reading

Factors of tourism development
As factors that contributed to the development of tourism after the Second World War, the…


Athens Attractions
Greece, without exaggeration, can be called the cradle of Western civilization. For all the centuries-old…
