Wroclaw - a city with centuries-old culture and architecture
On the borders with the Czech Republic and Germany is located the Lower Silesian Voivodeship…

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Sights of Austria
Austria is considered one of the most beautiful countries in Central Europe. Tourists are attracted…


Rest in Egypt - what tourists need to know
Spending unforgettable days in an exotic country, part of the territory of which lies in…

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Holidays in Turkey
Tours to Turkey are in demand among Ukrainians, who prefer budget and comfortable rest in…


capital letter

Prospects for the development of foreign tourism in Germany

Despite the fact that Germany is the main guiding tourist market in the world, it forms large-scale tourist traffic to travel abroad and has the largest negative balance of turbalance, the tourism sector of this country occupies a significant place in GDP (8%), employing about 3 million people. That is why the entire tourism system belongs to the Ministry of Economy, which includes the National Council for Tourism, which carries out state regulation of the tourism industry in Germany. In addition, there is the German Center for Tourism Development – a non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the tourist opportunities of Germany within the country and abroad. Continue reading

Tour operators and travel agents

Transport enterprises, accommodation facilities, catering and entertainment facilities included in the tourism industry are the primary producers of tourist services. Using the necessary economic resources, they create services that bring to the market for sale. Each manufacturer determines for itself the most effective ways to implement them, i.e. sales channels. For them, through a series of acts of sale and purchase, the service is communicated to the final consumer. Continue reading

The main resorts of Cyprus
Summer is in full swing, and tired of work and heat, city dwellers seek to…


Athens Attractions
Greece, without exaggeration, can be called the cradle of Western civilization. For all the centuries-old…
