Hallstatt - a paradise of Austria
In Upper Austria, in the Salzkammergut region, on the banks of a picturesque river, lies…

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Wroclaw - a city with centuries-old culture and architecture
On the borders with the Czech Republic and Germany is located the Lower Silesian Voivodeship…


Wine tourism in Italy
The wines of Italy are one of the good reasons to visit this country. Since…

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Wine tourism in Italy
The wines of Italy are one of the good reasons to visit this country. Since…


City of Valencia: history, innovation and tourism

Valencia is deservedly considered one of the most extraordinary cities in Spain. Thanks to its delicious cuisine, as well as its rich architectural and cultural heritage, the capital of the Valencian Community has become one of the largest tourist centers in Europe.
A small town, located in close proximity to Valencia, replete with picturesque places, have become a brilliant addition to numerous tourist routes. The historical heritage, leading from the pre-Christian era, left a big imprint on the modern look of the city, which sacredly keeps the features of those times, not forgetting, however, about the progress. Therefore, it is in Valencia that antiquity intersects with its Gothic vaults, and modernity, in which even the features of futurism can be traced.
Valencia is in constant motion, the city never stands still: cafes, cinemas, exhibitions, theaters – all this is filled with life, which is especially felt in the dark, when Valencia literally vibrates from the overflowing energy of nightclubs and discos.
For those who prefer to spend time with benefits, doing shopping, Valencia offers a large number of shopping centers, where everyone can find what he likes: clothes and shoes, electrical engineering or new items in the world of mobile telephony. And for lovers of unusual shopping and things that express the individuality of their owner, we strongly advise you to visit one of the street markets that can be found in almost every district of Valencia.
Culture of Valencia, Residents of Valencia, Best places in Valencia, Suburb of Valencia
Fans of cultural recreation will not be left aside either: there are more than 50 museums in Valencia, such as the Museum of Modern Art (IVAM), the Museum of Fine Art (Museo de Bellas Artes San Pío V), and numerous historical monuments: the Quart Towers (Torres de Quart ), survivors of Napoleon’s cannon-fire, and the famous entrance gates, the Serranos towers (Torres de Serranos), and their number is increasing every year, thanks to the development of local arts.
And after a busy day, city visitors can rejuvenate in comfortable hotels, which Valencia literally abounds in, offering accommodation for every taste and budget: from luxurious five-star luxury hotels to more economical tourist apartments and student hostels.

The main attractions of Italy
Italy - this country is a continuous inexhaustible landmark with a crazy amount of both…


Sights of Austria
Austria is considered one of the most beautiful countries in Central Europe. Tourists are attracted…
