Svalbard archipelago
In the Arctic Ocean is an archipelago, which consists of four large and more than…

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Modern approach to the definition of "hotel comfort"
We consider the main tool of competition for the customer at the hotel level -…


Tour operators and travel agents
Transport enterprises, accommodation facilities, catering and entertainment facilities included in the tourism industry are the…

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Verona - the city of Shakespearean passions
There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet…


boarding houses

Sights of Scotland

Scotland is not the most popular country for Russian tourists, but there really is something to see. Scotland is not only whiskey, kilts and castles. There are many other tourist sites that deserve close attention. About them today will be discussed.
Scotland is a harsh country in the north of the UK. Covered with hills, with a cold climate and a warlike population, in the Middle Ages Scotland posed many problems for the English kings. Numerous attempts to conquer the country of the highlanders constantly failed, and it was not until 1707 that the wild Scottish pearl adorned the British crown. Continue reading

The main attractions of Genoa

Italy is well known to a wide range of tourists. Every year this country is visited by millions of tourists and travelers. In this article we will talk about one of the cities of Italy – Genoa and its attractions. Since ancient times, the city of Genoa was famous for its wealth. Its rich and noble residents invested in the construction of magnificent palaces, churches, monuments and various structures. In this article we will try to tell you about the five most important sights of Genoa, which most attract the attention of tourists. Continue reading

Wroclaw – a city with centuries-old culture and architecture

On the borders with the Czech Republic and Germany is located the Lower Silesian Voivodeship of Poland. The center of this province is the city of Wroclaw, which is located on the banks of the Odra River.
The first mention of Silesia refers to 98 AD, and the name of the city itself owes its name to the founder of the city to the Czech prince Vratislav. By the end of 990, all of Silesia was conquered by the Polish prince of the Piast Mieszko I. Continue reading

Sights of Brussels
In the North-Western part of Europe, between France and Germany, there is a small state…


Snow resorts
Romania Almost a third of the country's territory is occupied by the Carpathians, which are…
