Verona - the city of Shakespearean passions
There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet…

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Bulgaria is a land of sun, sea and mountains
Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, is one of the oldest cities in the European continent.…


Thematic tourism: European wines
Tourism theorists predict that by 2020 one of the most popular types of tourism will…

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Sights of Scotland
Scotland is not the most popular country for Russian tourists, but there really is something…


Wallenstein Palace

Wallenstein Palace in Prague

The capital of the Czech Republic Prague is well known to a wide range of tourists for its palaces, parks, monuments and many different attractions. Among these attractions is the palace and park complex Wallenstein Palace. Sightseeing tours in Prague usually do not include a visit to this palace, since tourists can only visit the palace on weekends. Continue reading

The main attractions of Venice
Venice is a unique historical, architectural, cultural and spiritual center of ancient Europe. Today, Venice…


Active holidays in Slovenia
In the south of the European continent, the small state of Slovenia is located. In…
