Albania - a new tourist destination
A country that is still neglected by some tourists, Albania is a hidden paradise. The…

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Austria ski resorts
Among the countries that cultivate winter sports can be easily identified Austria. For many years…


Hallstatt - a paradise of Austria
In Upper Austria, in the Salzkammergut region, on the banks of a picturesque river, lies…

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Sights of Scotland
Scotland is not the most popular country for Russian tourists, but there really is something…



Thematic tourism: European wines

Tourism theorists predict that by 2020 one of the most popular types of tourism will be thematic, which is already actively developing1. To it can be attributed, and tourist programs associated with visiting places of production of various wines2. But this tourist product is not yet widely represented on the Russian tourist market, so it seems interesting and informative to consider the possibility of developing such tours. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the tourist resources of the region. Continue reading

Croatia. From dawn to dusk
Despite some severity in appearance, the Croats are friendly; but most of all they love…


Wine tourism in Italy
The wines of Italy are one of the good reasons to visit this country. Since…
