Sights of Cyprus
Cyprus is among the most attractive sites for various travel companies. This large and mysterious…

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Tour operators and travel agents
Transport enterprises, accommodation facilities, catering and entertainment facilities included in the tourism industry are the…


Tour operators and travel agents
Transport enterprises, accommodation facilities, catering and entertainment facilities included in the tourism industry are the…

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Tourism as a social phenomenon
Urism is a term that appeared much later than the term travel. In the scientific…



Sights of Austria

Austria is considered one of the most beautiful countries in Central Europe. Tourists are attracted by the picturesque Alpine villages of Tyrol, the beauty of the ancient cities of Vienna and Salzburg, magnificent national parks, as well as the well-known ski resorts.
The cultural heritage of Austria is very rich. Of particular interest are museums that are dedicated to the life and work of musicians. Continue reading

The main resorts of Cyprus
Summer is in full swing, and tired of work and heat, city dwellers seek to…


Prospects for the development of foreign tourism in Germany
Despite the fact that Germany is the main guiding tourist market in the world, it…
